The Four Elements, 1622.
Isaac Newton: "Quintessence is a thing that is spiritual, penetrating, tinging, and
incorruptible, which emerges anew from the four elements when bound to each other."
(Index Chemicus)
incorruptible, which emerges anew from the four elements when bound to each other."
(Index Chemicus)
"So monks, one should examine the body in terms of the elements and discern that there is in the body the earth element, the water element, fire element and the air element." the Buddha, Satipatthana Sutta.
"If one does not stand in the darkness, he will not be able to see the light. If one does not understand how fire came into existence, he will burn in it, because he does not know the root of it. If one does not first understand water, he knows nothing. For what use is there for him to be baptized in it? If one does not understand how blowing wind came into existence, he will blow away with it. If one does not understand how body, which he bears, came into existence, he will perish with it."
(Jesus, The Dialogue of the Savior, Nag Hammadi Library.)
(Jesus, The Dialogue of the Savior, Nag Hammadi Library.)
Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses. (Collins)
How to Co-Create a Soul?
Distil the Quintessence of the "Word",
water into Wine of holy Blood;
refine our Salt into eternal Bread,
earth to Stone of shining Gold.
Salty id in water's well resides,
basic ingredient to sublimate sublime;
we already co-create ego identity,
the "thinker" of our lower personality.
Id into libido, instinct-energy flows,
inflating ideas, thought-power grows;
ideation self-defines who we think is real,
the ego-bridge between id and Ideal.
So, with elemental languages four,
we figure-out who in hell we are;
fallen Spirit of the instinctual id,
climbs the Tree of good/evil knowledge.
Earthy instincts get acted-out;
watery emotions are feeling states;
airy logic of rational thinking;
fiery intuition, language of dreaming.
Thought-bubbles filled with airy pneuma,
arise from the wellspring reservoir;
we conjure-up our magical name,
from Word of God, the great "I Am".
Each element befits a role performed:
the doer identifies with working hard,
a feeler nurses, the thinker teaches,
dreamers become artists or designers.
Each element befits a role performed:
the doer identifies with working hard,
a feeler nurses, the thinker teaches,
dreamers become artists or designers.
So four into One must now fuse,
my eternal Soul, the Stone anew;
Cup of salvation for holy Blood,
pressed from "grapes of wrath" aflood.
Stolen fire ignites, comes into play,
the Phoenix burns to be born again;
libido into mortido must sacrifice,
into death's void my ego dies.
From the Prima Materia, potentiality,
rebirths the Ideal Self now free;
the ego-bridge is crossed aflame,
destroying, forging a new memBrane.
First we co-create our personalities,
from clay, water, air and fire conceived;
then the undivided Individual awakens,
transcendent Seer beyond all roles.
Four halos, our elements intersect,
to create the Orb of eternal rest;
the Light of fiery fusion ashine,
thoughtless Bubble, "Word" designed.
Instead of thoughts, beliefs, and ideas,
a Self-reflective Sphere appears;
co-created by the power of intuition,
and without words: silent revelation.
By learning to think up images,
the ego stirs the "wind" of ages;
that which was but once a seed,
now blooms the Flower of Imago Dei.
And so my world turns upside down,
the god-Self Image puts on the Crown;
my ego is consumed by its creation,
the god who devours me is my own.
Death, our lord Thanatos, shines;
Christ said, "I am the resurrection".
"You are gods", he made it clear;
must sacrifice to a higher power.
Conjuring up the god-Self symbol,
is an ego-personality extrapolation;
we can now magic-up a higher Self,
Tria Prima: Salt, Mercury, Sulfur fixed!
By learning to think up images,
the ego stirs the "wind" of ages;
that which was but once a seed,
now blooms the Flower of Imago Dei.
And so my world turns upside down,
the god-Self Image puts on the Crown;
my ego is consumed by its creation,
the god who devours me is my own.
Death, our lord Thanatos, shines;
Christ said, "I am the resurrection".
"You are gods", he made it clear;
must sacrifice to a higher power.
Conjuring up the god-Self symbol,
is an ego-personality extrapolation;
we can now magic-up a higher Self,
Tria Prima: Salt, Mercury, Sulfur fixed!

Divine Darkness in the thoughtless Bubble of a transcendent memBrane.
Divine Darkness in the thoughtless Bubble of a transcendent memBrane.
"Supernal Triad, Deity above all essence, most incomprehensible, most luminous and most exalted, where the pure, absolute and immutable mysteries of theology are veiled in the dazzling obscurity of the secret Silence, outshining all brilliance with the intensity of their Darkness, and surcharging our blinded intellects with the utterly impalpable and invisible fairness of glories surpassing all beauty. |
Let this be my prayer; but do thou, dear Timothy, in the diligent exercise of mystical contemplation, leave behind the senses and the operations of the intellect, and all things sensible and intellectual, and all things in the world of being and non-being, that thou mayest arise by unknowing towards the union, as far as is attainable, with Him who transcends all being and all knowledge. For by the unceasing and absolute renunciation of thyself and of all things, thou mayest be borne on high, through pure and entire self-abnegation, into the superessential Radiance of the Divine Darkness." ~ (Mystical Theology, Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite, 6th century.) ~ Tria Prima: the three metalloid compounds of the higher Self. "Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body." (Paracelsus). ~ Id, Ego and Fire-Forged Imago. The Dragon Tamed by a Solar Hero. ~ Out of nature's garden into humanity, id into the ego of my personality; emotionally charged thinker of ideas, the conjurer of images betwixt the ears. ~ Water and air civilize the animal, chthonic dragon in the underworld raising the id into a moral identity, behaving itself for the sake of community. ~ And so we create a personal ego, a psychic structure in the mind below; four elemental languages learned: instinct, emotion, thinking and intuition. ~ We are half-way to a Self eternal, the Tria Prima made of three Metals: Salt, Mercury, Sulfur; Mind, Spirit, Soul, compounding elements earth to Gold. ~ Instinctual drives and human conditioning, must now be baptized by cleansing; lifted-up by way of sublime sublimation, a mysterious metamorphic transformation. ~ Secret fire immolates as libido rises, my id and ego are burnt to ashes; Ouroboros devours itself to the Bones, archetypal pattern for a New Skin. ~ Stolen fire fuels an inner apotheosis, and contains the mythology of the process; Rubedo condenses, alchemical distillation, Love uplifted, water turned into Wine. ~ Now I can be fleshed-out whole, Grail memBrane from ashes formed; filled with Spirit of Moon's Blood; holy Libation for the risen Bread. ~*~ From the Ripley Scroll (15th
century) ~ The crucified Earth is reborn as the dragon's Pearl of the Moon, from which the Sun of consciousness crowns forth. "Luna is really the mother of the Sun, which means, psychologically,that the unconscious is pregnant with consciousness and gives birth to it." Carl Jung (Mysterium Coniunctionis). |
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