The old kingdom Ogdoad (8) of the four elemental and
primordial frog-headed gods and their serpent consorts.
"Be ye as wise as serpents." "You are gods." Jesus.
"You Are Gods."
Reality depends upon an Observer,
quantum science affirms the Creator;
there's no Big Bang without God's Mind,
collapsing Stars from Wavy time.
Reality depends upon an Observer,
quantum science affirms the Creator;
there's no Big Bang without God's Mind,
collapsing Stars from Wavy time.
Our fallen Spirit is a Gnostic Spark,
Orphic Egg containing the Wind, Ruach;
Magic Bean that grows the true Vine,
Serpent-Fire forging a god divine.
Elemental languages replace the "Word,"
four dialects of the Ogdoad learned;
the Wind takes form as ideation;
we are baby gods in Self creation.
But four spirits are not everlasting,
into three metalloids must start shining;
the Tria Prima of Alchemy refined,
Ka, Ba and Akh of a godly mind.
Earth and Water create a Salt memBrane,
crystalline lucidity, Pearl of the Dragon;
Mercury quadratus from Water and Air;
Sulfur fixed as gold by Wind and Fire.
But we aren't alone in this endeavour,
our Ouroboros Spirit can self-devour;
into the Netherworld of lord Hades,
where Vulcan forges immortal metals.
Death, Thanatos, will begin the task,
dissolving elements once they're balanced;
back into the Watery womb of Nu,
to be compounded into a trinity new.
The Spirit is stripped of information,
Water cleanses as the first baptism;
human conditioning must be undone,
it ties us down in a lower kingdom.
Christ now appears with fiery sword,
the final baptism that cuts the cord;
my animal-Spirit sacrificed to the Sun,
biological instincts, the roots of Pan.
My ego starts the Fire with intuition,
which then takes on a life of its own,
and flares-up as Agni, consuming me,
turns into the Light of my Imago Dei.
My ego starts the Fire with intuition,
which then takes on a life of its own,
and flares-up as Agni, consuming me,
turns into the Light of my Imago Dei.
The scythe of Death gathers the harvest,
green wheat dies into golden Bread;
Dionysus in drunken rapture dines,
with Wine to toast the resurrection.
There he is, Zurvan, a god reborn,
from Orphic Egg and Serpent forged;
with gilded wings of Phanes, ashine,
Spark to Fire into enLightened Lion.
A mere human undergoes apotheosis,
into a god divine by metamorphosis;
"seed of the Word" into thinking patterns,
words and ideas into a grand Conception.
Thus we magic up the spells of mind,
by way of Thoth, Magician archetype;
until we conjure a singular inSight,
a thoughtless Bubble of pneumatic Light.
A mere human undergoes apotheosis,
into a god divine by metamorphosis;
"seed of the Word" into thinking patterns,
words and ideas into a grand Conception.
Thus we magic up the spells of mind,
by way of Thoth, Magician archetype;
until we conjure a singular inSight,
a thoughtless Bubble of pneumatic Light.
A Stream of mythical streaming stories,
contains the gods and their tall tales;
threads from Glaucus dangle down,
to catch a human by inSpiration.
This River of sparkling revelations,
where Pan is panning for his gold,
flows Home into a Star-filled Ocean,
Pleroma of the One God, ever unborn.
Quantum Stream full of Serpent gods,
is the Thought-Wave of the OverLord;
the uncreated Creator of consciousness,
Mind of the "Word," shining Logos.

Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
"When Sophia (wisdom) saw what her desire had produced,
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
In The Image of God.
"God created man in his own Image." (Genesis 1:27)
The conjuring-up of ideational images,
up out of consciousness is a magic trick;
thought bubbles in the front lobe of mind,
emotionally-charged and rationally designed.
An idea got us to the moon and back,
we invented rockets and tamed our instincts;
an invisible belief can change the world,
unite us together in a common ideal.
But where does thinking originate from,
and what is its ultimate expression?
Thoth is the god of thought and magic,
Scribe of spells spelling Logoic logic.
Animals cannot think in their kingdom,
they rely upon instinctual programming;
this earth element we also retain,
the id energy that drives our brain.
"The seed is the Word of God," Jesus,
id grows as libido inside all of us;
earthen id into watery libido flows,
from which airy bubbles of pneuma arise.
The seed or magic bean thus germinates
the "divine animal," Spirit of the Snake;
fiery kundalini searches for the Light,
four elemental languages intertwined.
A quaternity of lower consciousness,
in "tongues of fire" burn on the cross!
The four elements go up in holy smoke,
the Spirit transcends and sublimates.
Fire baptizes by cleansing the mind,
mental matter, ideation, goes into decline;
ego's libido is blackened into mortido,
Sol Niger, the Black Sun of Nigredo.
Our Spirit is stripped of elements,
the "grapes of wrath" must now ferment;
into three volatile compounds ashine,
Tria Prima: Salt, Mercury, Sulfur refined.
Who can bear the flames of Breath,
the pneumatic wind of fiery death?
The egoic artist begins his masterpiece
on the energetic fabric of the Universe.
The interwoven four-elements balanced,
instinct, emotion, thinking and intuition,
self-create a personal identity honed,
who must now become a shining One.
How to solidify crystalline lucidity,
so I no-longer fall back into a dream;
Sulfur fixes refined Salt with Mercury,
3 metalloid compounds of a Soul trinity.
Already we create a four-fold ego-image,
we can now extrapolate up the pyramid;
into three shining qualities of an Observer,
the Imago Dei that lasts forever and ever.
Humans can only live a hundred years,
then elements return to the id reservoir;
unless compounded into higher metals,
the trinity of a godly Self eternal.
The creative flame that the ego lights,
flares-up from the divine Spark inside;
immolates the lower elemental person;
Agni, the fire-god, burns to bones.
Albedo, the whitening of consciousness,
is the Phoenix reduced to ashes;
death is the prelude to resurrection,
Rubedo, the holy wine of celebration.
Spirit rises from id to the Ideal,
fire into the Light of a Sol like Soul;
the eternal winged memBrane of mind,
transcendent awareness, god designed.

Thoth, the god of thought power.
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
In The Image of God.
"God created man in his own Image." (Genesis 1:27)
The conjuring-up of ideational images,
up out of consciousness is a magic trick;
thought bubbles in the front lobe of mind,
emotionally-charged and rationally designed.
An idea got us to the moon and back,
we invented rockets and tamed our instincts;
an invisible belief can change the world,
unite us together in a common ideal.
But where does thinking originate from,
and what is its ultimate expression?
Thoth is the god of thought and magic,
Scribe of spells spelling Logoic logic.
Animals cannot think in their kingdom,
they rely upon instinctual programming;
this earth element we also retain,
the id energy that drives our brain.
"The seed is the Word of God," Jesus,
id grows as libido inside all of us;
earthen id into watery libido flows,
from which airy bubbles of pneuma arise.
The seed or magic bean thus germinates
the "divine animal," Spirit of the Snake;
fiery kundalini searches for the Light,
four elemental languages intertwined.
A quaternity of lower consciousness,
in "tongues of fire" burn on the cross!
The four elements go up in holy smoke,
the Spirit transcends and sublimates.
Fire baptizes by cleansing the mind,
mental matter, ideation, goes into decline;
ego's libido is blackened into mortido,
Sol Niger, the Black Sun of Nigredo.
Our Spirit is stripped of elements,
the "grapes of wrath" must now ferment;
into three volatile compounds ashine,
Tria Prima: Salt, Mercury, Sulfur refined.
Who can bear the flames of Breath,
the pneumatic wind of fiery death?
The egoic artist begins his masterpiece
on the energetic fabric of the Universe.
The interwoven four-elements balanced,
instinct, emotion, thinking and intuition,
self-create a personal identity honed,
who must now become a shining One.
How to solidify crystalline lucidity,
so I no-longer fall back into a dream;
Sulfur fixes refined Salt with Mercury,
3 metalloid compounds of a Soul trinity.
Already we create a four-fold ego-image,
we can now extrapolate up the pyramid;
into three shining qualities of an Observer,
the Imago Dei that lasts forever and ever.
Humans can only live a hundred years,
then elements return to the id reservoir;
unless compounded into higher metals,
the trinity of a godly Self eternal.
The creative flame that the ego lights,
flares-up from the divine Spark inside;
immolates the lower elemental person;
Agni, the fire-god, burns to bones.
Albedo, the whitening of consciousness,
is the Phoenix reduced to ashes;
death is the prelude to resurrection,
Rubedo, the holy wine of celebration.
Spirit rises from id to the Ideal,
fire into the Light of a Sol like Soul;
the eternal winged memBrane of mind,
transcendent awareness, god designed.

Thoth, the god of thought power.
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