(picture source unknown)
Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses. (Collins)
The Lost Child, Found!
And here he is, home and found,
no-longer lost in subconscious ground;
emerging from a forest, dark and deep,
his animal Spirit kept him safe.
I left you on that sixties shore,
sailed away to a distant world;
where have you been my golden Child,
frozen in the past I left behind.
Without an ego-bridge to get across,
my id-Spirit stayed in a wilderness;
slowly I built a cross for Thee,
made of wood from Adam's tree.
You must have found it in the dark,
straight and narrow with no bark,
climbed above the canopy green,
saw the light of a higher dream.
This totem pole, earth to Heaven,
caduceus for energy sublimation,
is the cross for the Serpent wise,
ankh from which the Sun doth rise.
This totem pole, earth to Heaven,
caduceus for energy sublimation,
is the cross for the Serpent wise,
ankh from which the Sun doth rise.
But wood, by earth, water, and air,
is but a temporary structure here;
and so with fire my Child and I,
called forth the Dragon of the sky.
Together we joined to make a wish,
eternal Soul honed from consciousness;
a Dragon's Pearl, id to Ideal,
my lost Child found, shining real.



The Child Dragon (Chambery) 15th century.
My interpretation: green consciousness or Spirit of the Dragon
(Kundalini), emerges from the "Seed of the Word" (Luke 8:11)
and blooms as the golden Child of the Soul. Note the similarity
with the chinese Dragon and Pearl, (Spirit and Soul).
"Unless you become like little children you cannot enter the
kingdom of heaven." Christ.
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