The Yin Yang wavicle, pointing and waving since ancient times,
sleeps within the unconscious id, waiting to be activated.
sleeps within the unconscious id, waiting to be activated.
Song of Singularity
(the Spotless Spot or Quantum Point of Life)
(the Spotless Spot or Quantum Point of Life)
Let's get to the quantum Point of life,
the spotless Spot, Orb of "great price";
Pearl of the Dragon's pneumatic breath,
the Sol or Solarization of consciousness.
The Spirit of life, fallen into immanence,
searches for its Soul or Light transcendent;
this fiery pneuma, Dove or Phoenix,
forges our Star atop the eternal Tree's apex.
Thus the highest Point shines resplendent,
born of the Serpent of good and evil intent;
for all must climb this Tree of duality,
female and male, the yin and yang interplay.
We all have our good points and our bad,
we strive to be happy but sometimes we're sad;
what is the purpose, the final Point of it all,
the meaning of life, the rise from Spirit's fall?
The Spirit or "Word of great Silence" resounds,
and fortunately it is everywhere to be found;
you can hear it acutely in solitude's rest,
and it is the secret for finding our quest.
The mounting Wave of Silence pitches higher,
it is the quantum Vine, our Serpent climber;
if I can only bear this atomic oscillation...
lo and behold... the spotless Point of salvation!
How strange is this holographic Awareness,
there is no mental matter as it used to exist;
just a thoughtless Knowing void of beliefs,
where the play of opposites, life and death, meet.
A quantum Point appears in the Zero Ground,
flash of enLightenment reSonates profound;
opening-up the all seeing Eye of Horus,
the Wave converts into a focal convergence.
Self-reflective alchemical Solification shines,
bliss wavicles dancing in a quantum mind;
waving and pointing in rhyme and reason,
Song of Singularity, Uni~Verse in completion.
A quantum Point appears in the Zero Ground,
flash of enLightenment reSonates profound;
opening-up the all seeing Eye of Horus,
the Wave converts into a focal convergence.
Self-reflective alchemical Solification shines,
bliss wavicles dancing in a quantum mind;
waving and pointing in rhyme and reason,
Song of Singularity, Uni~Verse in completion.
The Eye of the Soul, that sees itSelf everywhere,
even unto the depths of eternity.
The spotless Spot or quantum Point in the Zero Ground,
the alchemical "stone that is not a stone", reSonates
even unto the depths of eternity.
The spotless Spot or quantum Point in the Zero Ground,
the alchemical "stone that is not a stone", reSonates
at a particular pitch; the focal convergence on the quantum
Wave of mounting Silence; reverse refraction in the prism
of consciousness; and is hermetically sealed in the
of consciousness; and is hermetically sealed in the
Ouroboric circle of the "ring-pass-not".
"The alchemical symbol for gold was a circle with a point
at its centre, which was also the astrological symbol and ancient
Chinese character for the Sun."
"The alchemical symbol for gold was a circle with a point
at its centre, which was also the astrological symbol and ancient
Chinese character for the Sun."
"To enter this central point, the yogin focuses on the between,
the middle where neither this nor that is held, and he rides this focal
attentiveness along the course of his day. This means that he remains
thoughtlessly aware here and now. This central point called the Hridaya
is then the core or center of our being where we and the world are not two."
(Being Space, by Patrick de Sercey)

"The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foot-high
prehistoric effigy mound located in Ohio. Scholars posit that the
120-foot-long hollow oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun."
120-foot-long hollow oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun."
The Dragon awakes, uncoils, waves, rises-up, and fire-forges itself into
the one Pearl; from salt, through mercury, into the sulphurous Sun.
The Dragon awakes, uncoils, waves, rises-up, and fire-forges itself into
the one Pearl; from salt, through mercury, into the sulphurous Sun.
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