"Sunrise by the Ocean" by Vladimir Kush
The Golden Egg
and the Tria Prima Functions.
Tria Prima of three higher Metals,
compounded from four elements,
take over from the temporary ego.
Egg of an eternal "Imago."
The Observer of metallic Salt,
guards the entrance to the Wavicle;
the Shell of the golden Self,
Holy Grail hermetically sealed.
The Boundary maintains its buoyancy,
transcends, defying lower gravity;
porous to only the finer vibrations,
denies mental matter and heavy emotions.
Lucidity of crystalline awareness,
is the memBrane of protectiveness;
containing the quantum oscillation,
the Yin~Yang Wavicle of salvation.
This thought-less Bubble memBrane,
is filled with Fluidity of Wine:
Heaven's Heave of enLovenment,
the blind Wave of upliftment.
Universal Love spreads us everywhere,
the red Sky of Heaven's Atmosphere;
Mercurial Spirit of the Blood~Moon,
watery albumen changed to Wine.
Yolk of the Sun now dawns,
Solidity of the Philosopher's Stone;
alchemical Sulfur of Self-consciousness,
Sol like Soul of eternal I-Am-ness.
"Rock at Bottom"
The Search for the Philosopher's Stone.
Kingdoms devour kingdoms up and down,
one, two, three, four, three, two, One!
Black-Stone of Prima Materia chaos,
Mind-Womb of all potential concepts.
Id, Latin it, acronym of instinctual desire,
Orphic Egg, Seed of metallic Light, latent fire;
"who am I" is the ultimate question,
"I" am the id of my original conception.
The Word, as One, could not see itSelf,
so split into two sides of a Wavicle.
But blinding Light and Love blind,
now needed a Mirror, a Seer of Mind.
So two became four, each one divided,
a Child of sin and a Child of good;
Lucifer brought down light, Sophia darkness,
fire and air balancing water and earth.
And the four elements must become three,
Tria Prima Metals, alchemical trinity;
Philosopher's Stone from Rock resurrected,
metallic Alien, four kingdoms transcended.
Salt, reflective, holographic Mind;
Mercury, animal Spirit of reptilian Blood;
Sulfur, mineral essence of a shining Soul,
fixed as a golden and eternal Apple.

The Ripley Scroll (15th century)
Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses. (Collins)
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