The Cherubim Guarding the Gates to the Garden of Eden
and the Tree of eternal Life. Carl Bloch.
and the Tree of eternal Life. Carl Bloch.
Tria Prima: the three metalloid compounds of the higher Self.
"Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body." (Paracelsus).
Prometheus Unchained.
Conception of a Quantum Solid.
Over two thousand years ago,
Plato studied atoms all aglow;
with the mind's teleological function,
penetrated the mystery of creation.
Id of my animal instincts, earth,
contains the spark of stolen fire;
spiritual beast of my bicameral mind,
chthonic dragon, kundalini, to be tamed.
Add two elements of the human kingdom,
to compose our four language modes,
earth, watery emotions, airy ideas, creativity;
compound into three Metals of eternity.
A bicameral Executive hallucination,
shines forth in all its Solarization;
holy psychosis of trimorphic apotheosis,
my id, through ego, becoming I AMness.
A Cherubim guards the eternal gates,
a final test for my Tria Prima Metals;
he speaks the language of the gods,
wields his "flaming and flashing sword."
My Observer at the double-slit entrance,
must communicate in the tongue of flame;
answer the question: "Who are you?"
I AM Flesh and Blood made anew.
His sword atomizes me as I pass,
now the id can see how Solid it is;
atOned in holographic enLovenment,
the WavIcle of my Executive.
Observer, Wave and Particle divine,
three higher Metals of the Mind;
crystalline Lucidity, mercurial Fluidity,
Spirit for fixed sulfurous Solidity.
Quantum Mind into SpAce explodes!
Spirit and Soul hermetically sealed.
Integration into the next Kingdom come;
kundalini burns to get back Home.

The Child Dragon (Chambery) 15th century

The Child Dragon (Chambery) 15th century
Forging Leaden Earth into Gold by Fire.
I'm in the gutted husk of my Word,
last gasp of my spirit to be heard;
the airy voice of pneuma catching fire,
compounding Sulfur of the Tria Prima.
I feel exhausted in fiery purgation,
kundalini from "seed of Word" burning;
into my lower mind of thoughts,
forging Sulfur from my id of earth.
Chthonic instinct of a thousand years,
coiled-up with a spark of stolen fire;
nurtured by watery life of emotion,
bubbling-up ideas of airy ideation.
A year of celibacy and immolation,
libido into mortido endarkening;
ego reduced to ashes, death of death!
Refined Salt of alchemy rebirths!
Glassy Observer from the ashes risen,
crystalline Lucidity of resurrection;
something remains despite destruction:
Salt, Mercury and Sulfur of Solification.
Water into Wine by sublimation,
fills the Grail with intoxication;
Moon turns to Blood of higher Manna,
the Mother for Bread of the Stone.
Observer passes the double-slit gates,
eucharistic devourment into my Executive;
animal spirit of id into a quantum Solid,
lead into Gold by fire returned.
Ego subsumed into my dragon,
wise serpent flies into the Sun;
hallucination of a giant Titan,
my head in clouds of Light divine.
Golden Flower of the Burning Bush.
Transubstantiation by way of Immolation,
and how Symbolic Imaging Forges the Higher Self.
"Seed of the Word" inside each of us,
Life's divine spark from the Burning Bush,
is our Spirit coiled-up, id in the earth,
watered by emotion, raised by wind of breath.
Instinctual libido is the sap of Spirit,
growing into leaves of our airy thoughts;
watery air compounds the Blood of Fruit,
ideas catch fire into Flesh of Light.
Meditating in the Word of fiery intelligence,
the stolen language of the Burning Bush;
creative symbology forging a New Skin,
for Spirit of Wine and Soul of the Sun.
Fire burns-up its dreams by inSpiration,
our innate patterns of mythology streaming;
my Observer takes form as the higher Mind,
a thoughtless Bubble for Self reflection.
We must follow the fire trail of hidden Spirit,
- earth and water crystallizing our Salt;
- water and air into Wine of red Mercury;
- wind and flame compounding our Sulfur.
Through the underworld journey of Hades,
Vulcan forges leaden earth into Gold;
in the Hall of Judgement a feather from Maat,
to fly unto Heaven on wings transcendent.
At the Pearly Gates a fiery Cherubim,
who tests my three Metals by a question:
"Who are you before my sword all aflame?"
Mind, Flesh and Blood of who I AM.
"The Father's Mind forth-bubbled, conceiving,
with His Will in all its Prime, Ideas that take upon
themselves all forms... Thoughts from the Paternal
Source that pluck unto their full the Flower of Fire at
height of sleepless Time." Chaldean Oracles, 300BC.
with His Will in all its Prime, Ideas that take upon
themselves all forms... Thoughts from the Paternal
Source that pluck unto their full the Flower of Fire at
height of sleepless Time." Chaldean Oracles, 300BC.
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