Splendour Solis (16th century).
"A man emerges from a swamp. One arm is white, the other red,
and his body black, thus incorporating the main colour changes
in the alchemical process. His head is metamorphosed into a
glassy sphere." (Adam McLean, the alchemy website.)
The yin yang Wavicle, pointing and waving since ancient times;
dragon sleeps within unconscious waters (the id), waiting to be activated
and integrated into light.
dragon sleeps within unconscious waters (the id), waiting to be activated
and integrated into light.
"I baptize you with water. But after me will come one who is more
powerful than I. He will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire."
(John the Baptist, Matt 3:11)
"I have come to bring fire on the earth." (Jesus, Luke 12:49)
Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses. (Collins)
The Wavicle.
A miraculous appearance.
Mind enLightenment by sublimation,
salty id to the Ideal Self elevation;
a process of immanence seed to Stone,
to reach transcendence, my life atoned.
Four elemental languages understood:
instinct, emotion, logic, and symbolic;
then water turns into the "Word" of Wine,
from "grapes of wrath" Yin energy refined.
Mind enLightenment by sublimation,
salty id to the Ideal Self elevation;
a process of immanence seed to Stone,
to reach transcendence, my life atoned.
Four elemental languages understood:
instinct, emotion, logic, and symbolic;
then water turns into the "Word" of Wine,
from "grapes of wrath" Yin energy refined.
Only a mounting wave of watery libido,
from the id reservoir unconscious below,
has enough energy to focally converge,
into a quantum Point from salt of earth.
At first life's substance creates ideas,
thought bubbles inflated betwixt the ears;
filled with libidinal wind of the Word,
fallen spirit into airy voices uttered.
Discursive ideation self-defines identity,
the "thinker" dawns, inflated ego entity;
the "believer," molding energy into forms,
co-creating life by conjuring up dreams.
But life is only half of the equation,
death's fire blackens in self-immolation;
the "believer," molding energy into forms,
co-creating life by conjuring up dreams.
But life is only half of the equation,
death's fire blackens in self-immolation;
and so now I must die to be rebirthed,
by way of mortido my bubbles burst!
Earth acts out its mode of instinctuality;
water is the language of emotionality;
air communicates with logical thinking;
fire roars with creative destruction.
Earth acts out its mode of instinctuality;
water is the language of emotionality;
air communicates with logical thinking;
fire roars with creative destruction.
Collapsing the ego is not for everyone,
few have the resilience to be reborn;
the "death instinct" is the secret flame,
mortido, air into fire deflating me.
Death's blow blows into a Vacuum,
Sunyata, great Void of the Mind~Womb,
conceiving a Child, Homunculus divine,
re-inflating a thoughtless Bubble sublime.
Parting the water's wave with fiery sword;
from visceral earth, Excalibur drawn;
wielded into the air, one-Pointedness,
unconsumed in the fire of consciousness.
Parting the water's wave with fiery sword;
from visceral earth, Excalibur drawn;
wielded into the air, one-Pointedness,
unconsumed in the fire of consciousness.
Water pressure has reached its optimal,
evaporating into airy-fire now infernal;
the Dragon of a thousand years unleashed,
lo and behold the Ichthus Beast!
Rational understanding, airy bubbles,
stirred from watery life emotional,
can only last a lifetime as memory,
before energy returns into Apeiron's sea.
Id of the animal spirit must reappear,
be tamed like the pets we hold so dear;
Christ is a human whisperer from myth,
God's Pet, Godzilla, with atomic breath!
A second forging by Jesus the baptizer,
intuitional language, "tongues of fire";
seals the Pearl of the Serpent wise,
seed into a glassy Sphere that never dies.
Rational understanding, airy bubbles,
stirred from watery life emotional,
can only last a lifetime as memory,
before energy returns into Apeiron's sea.
Id of the animal spirit must reappear,
be tamed like the pets we hold so dear;
Christ is a human whisperer from myth,
God's Pet, Godzilla, with atomic breath!
A second forging by Jesus the baptizer,
intuitional language, "tongues of fire";
seals the Pearl of the Serpent wise,
seed into a glassy Sphere that never dies.
Walking on water, a focal convergence,
the wave converts into Sol emergent;
the Ideal Self from the Void of darkness,
Soul, Seola, "from the sea" interface.
And so the Wavicle Orb is formed,
subatomic "Stone that is not a stone" born;
a quantum Solid, Sol and Spirit fused,
Ra and Uraeus, wedding of Sun and Moon.
Instead of watery-air used to ideate,
another elemental essence can also create;
by the same method we already utilize,
but with zealous fire to wield on high.
Such is the artistry of night's dreaming,
our own personal mythology unfolding;
the lexicon of four elements honed,
stolen fire forges earthen id to Stone.
At rest inside the mirrored Sphere aflame,
thoughtless Bubble, a metallic memBrane;
the Helmet of Salvation, Ephesians 6:17,
full with Spirit of emotional sublimation.
InSpiration uncoils the spirit fallen,
climbs its way back home into the Garden;
salt of the earth is crystallized ashine,
Salamander to Dragon into Lion sublimed.
Pneumatic fire into the Word of Light,
eternal Sulphur from the Void of night;
life's thread of id ties us to the divine,
the grapevine to Heaven, water to Wine.
"Moon turns to Blood before the coming,"
connects with the Light by enLovenment;
as Rubedo distils Dew of Quintessence,
Instead of watery-air used to ideate,
another elemental essence can also create;
by the same method we already utilize,
but with zealous fire to wield on high.
Such is the artistry of night's dreaming,
our own personal mythology unfolding;
the lexicon of four elements honed,
stolen fire forges earthen id to Stone.
At rest inside the mirrored Sphere aflame,
thoughtless Bubble, a metallic memBrane;
the Helmet of Salvation, Ephesians 6:17,
full with Spirit of emotional sublimation.
InSpiration uncoils the spirit fallen,
climbs its way back home into the Garden;
salt of the earth is crystallized ashine,
Salamander to Dragon into Lion sublimed.
Pneumatic fire into the Word of Light,
eternal Sulphur from the Void of night;
life's thread of id ties us to the divine,
the grapevine to Heaven, water to Wine.
"Moon turns to Blood before the coming,"
connects with the Light by enLovenment;
as Rubedo distils Dew of Quintessence,
Luna's blushing attracts Sol's radiance.
The one "Word" is the language of God,
harmony of the Uni-Verse or One-Song;
instinctively known like a tune to a bird,
the Silence, behind all words ever heard.
So back to the start, Ouroboros like,
to come full circle and know the spark;
the phallic orgasm is a quantum glimpse,
flash-Point of potential enLightenment.
John baptizes our parental conditioning,
with water cleanses, the ego drowned;
my animal spirit is sacrificed to the Sun,
instinctual programming by fire undone.
The Observer is freed from information,
pure Awareness knows by Self-reflection;
something remains despite being destroyed,
4 elements compounded into 3 Metalloids.
Tria Prima of the Soul made everlasting:
refined Salt of Lucidity awakened;
silver Mercury into the Moon's Fluidity,
fixes Sulphur into quantum Solidity.
The Sun's Image develops as Rosy-Gold,
from four elements into a Wavicle;
the Moon's reflectivity catches Light,
and her Blood rebirths eternal Life.
The one "Word" is the language of God,
harmony of the Uni-Verse or One-Song;
instinctively known like a tune to a bird,
the Silence, behind all words ever heard.
So back to the start, Ouroboros like,
to come full circle and know the spark;
the phallic orgasm is a quantum glimpse,
flash-Point of potential enLightenment.
John baptizes our parental conditioning,
with water cleanses, the ego drowned;
my animal spirit is sacrificed to the Sun,
instinctual programming by fire undone.
The Observer is freed from information,
pure Awareness knows by Self-reflection;
something remains despite being destroyed,
4 elements compounded into 3 Metalloids.
Tria Prima of the Soul made everlasting:
refined Salt of Lucidity awakened;
silver Mercury into the Moon's Fluidity,
fixes Sulphur into quantum Solidity.
The Sun's Image develops as Rosy-Gold,
from four elements into a Wavicle;
the Moon's reflectivity catches Light,
and her Blood rebirths eternal Life.
Crystalline Lucidity of my Observer,
coheres with the Fluidity of Love;
stabilizing my New Skin memBrane,
which Solidifies into a quantum Stone.
Self-realization of the Ka, "Image;"
enLovenment of winged Ba, "Spirit;"
enLightenment of Akh, the "radiant Soul;"
trinity of the Egyptian Immortal.
Water into Wine fills the Grail,
the higher Mind hermetically sealed;
Wine is the Mother for risen Bread,
Love's quintessence and alchemical Gold.
The Luna side of my madness,
gives birth to my Solar radiance;
Salt fruits forth its patternation:
the golden Apple of Adam's sin.
God-Particle of a Wavicle in Mind,
by process of immanence made sublime;
thirty three verses of articulation,
fleshing-out the Bones of Solarization.

Ra, the Sun, and Uraeus, the Serpent Spirit, Kundalini,
as the Self-reflecting enLightened mind of Horus.
as the Self-reflecting enLightened mind of Horus.
Uraeus, she who rises up, the Ouroboros and halo,
legitimizes Ra's reign as the eternal trinity in One.
Isaac Newton: Quintessence is a thing that is spiritual, penetrating,
legitimizes Ra's reign as the eternal trinity in One.
Isaac Newton: Quintessence is a thing that is spiritual, penetrating,
tinging, and incorruptible, which emerges anew from the four elements
when bound to each other.
(Index Chemicus)
Cultivating Homunculus in a retort (From Goethe’s Faust, 19th-century engraving).
"Let the semen of a man putrefy by itself in a sealed cucurbite.
Mercury is the spirit, sulphur is the soul, salt the body." (Paracelsus)
"I have thrown fire upon the world, and look, I am watching till it blazes.
Whoever is near me is near fire." Jesus, Gospel of Thomas.
(Index Chemicus)
Cultivating Homunculus in a retort (From Goethe’s Faust, 19th-century engraving).
"Let the semen of a man putrefy by itself in a sealed cucurbite.
Mercury is the spirit, sulphur is the soul, salt the body." (Paracelsus)
"If one does not stand in the darkness, he will not be able to see the light. If one does not understand how fire came into existence, he will burn in it, because he does not know the root of it. If one does not first understand water, he knows nothing. For what use is there for him to be baptized in it? If one does not understand how blowing wind came into existence, he will blow away with it. If one does not understand how body, which he bears, came into existence, he will perish with it."
Saviour of the World, da Vinci.
Jesus, the fire Baptizer, holds a glassy Sphere; his crossed-fingers are the
missing Cross from the Globus cruciger; one points directly to Heaven, the
other to Christ himself. His light reflects in the Sphere, signifying that this
is the mind of the risen one, the crystal clarity of Being."I have thrown fire upon the world, and look, I am watching till it blazes.
Whoever is near me is near fire." Jesus, Gospel of Thomas.

(picture from The Book of Lambspring)
From the Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy:
"In Alchemy the salamander is a symbol of the PRIMA MATERIA. In the alchemical
process it plays the role of helping the substance under transformation to give up its
secret fire, which will help the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE claim its final power, as this
alchemical verse describes:
The Salamander is caught and pierced
So that it dies and yields up its life with its blood.
But this, too, happens for the good;
For from its blood it wins immortal life,
And then death has no more power over it."

(picture from The Book of Lambspring)
From the Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy:
"In Alchemy the salamander is a symbol of the PRIMA MATERIA. In the alchemical
process it plays the role of helping the substance under transformation to give up its
secret fire, which will help the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE claim its final power, as this
alchemical verse describes:
The Salamander is caught and pierced
So that it dies and yields up its life with its blood.
But this, too, happens for the good;
For from its blood it wins immortal life,
And then death has no more power over it."
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