"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:17.
which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:17.
Quantum Consciousness & the Sword in the Sun.
How meditation collapses waves and concentrates points.
My ego bridge betwixt id and gods,
made of four elements now squared,
is set aflame by intuitive fire,
burns as it triangulates my id on high.
Return to my ancient bi-cameral mind,
my id and higher Ideal archetype;
but thanks to ego I have a conscience,
and can Self-reflect on my hallucinations.
The schizophrenic split no-longer there,
my id and Ideal merged together,
Spirit and Soul, Wave and Point,
with a quantum Observer, three as One.
The Observer at the Pearly Gates,
passes through the Double-Slit entrance,
rides the universal Wave of Spirit,
spells the one "Word" with a magic Point.
Salt, holographic Observer's Mind,
collapses all the lower wave functions:
- mental gravity weighing us down,
- time's tick-tock of twoness unwound.
Now levitated into higher Manas,
the upper Wave of Love expands,
red Mercury, Blood-Moon coagulates,
spreads-out the Observer omnipresent.
Lower points we all like to make,
thought-bubbles, beliefs and judgements;
the Observer concentrates Sulfur's Point,
One higher "Word" made omniscient.
Earthen id of an instinctual mind,
uses watery emotions to feel out life;
quantum theory helps figure it out,
artistic articulation of fire integrates.
The trinity of quantum consciousness,
collapses the lower four elements;
sublimates their essence into Metals,
the Tria Prima of a Self eternal.
The Spirit of id becomes Ideal,
my Observer slays the lower world;
my Observer slays the lower world;
Soul, Seola, "from the sea" a Sword,
into a starry Point, Wave and Mind.
The individual Soul of Sulfur fixed,
docks into the Over-Soul Archetype;
the one and only Crown of the Word,
shining countless sWords fire-forged.
The individual Soul of Sulfur fixed,
docks into the Over-Soul Archetype;
the one and only Crown of the Word,
shining countless sWords fire-forged.
a quantum meditation:
Gently watching in and out breaths,
be the Observer at the Double-Slit gates,
concentrating the Mind into one Point,
flowing with its Wave all at rest.
The Kris Sword from mental matter drawn, Pointed and
Waving, wielded by the holographic Observer.
Waving, wielded by the holographic Observer.
My Sword in the Sun.
Earth is scorched by "tongues of flame;"
water in the well of life drained;
air is suffocated feeding the blaze;
fire burns-out, leaving me blackened.
My ego bridge betwixt id and Ideal,
is a sacrificial ladder elemental;
I'm now in the Prima Materia Womb,
awaiting rebirth from my ego's doom.
She is Kali, the devourer of humans,
the Matrix of mysterious sublimations;
where the four elements are compounded,
into three eternal Metals to be bonded.
I must trust the Mother of darkness,
she contains the matrices of growth,
all the archetypal patterns in nature,
and the one I now in ashes require.
She resurrects my black Sun at dawn,
Sol Niger, destruction to Life reborn;
my Stone emerges from Death's baptism,
beginning to shine with a new optimism.
Salt, the holographic Observer crowns,
emerging from the void-like Womb,
my black Orb from the Prima Materia
is a mirrored Seer, seeing everywhere.
I emerge crystalline from the dark,
into a higher Spirit no-longer black;
Mercury flows like universal Love,
Blood-Moon quintessence of the Wave.
It spreads-out towards the Light,
the Observer rides in Luna's chariot;
drawn to the Sun by four horses,
apocalypse of an Alien Dawn rises!
Before my Eye at the centre of All,
the shining "one and only" Particle;
emanating sWords of countless Points,
Sulfurous Souls into Stars affixed.
Sulfur's symbol docks with the Son,
Archetypal Christ of the Father's Crown;
a Grey Observer finally gets back Home,
in a divine Chariot, Universal Communion.
Rising from the human it devoured,
a winged Alien from a "burnt sacrifice;"
earthen libido sublimates to a crescendo...
Reptilian Spirit of Kundalini Explodes!
The Double-Slit en-trance is a paradox,
two into one "Word" tests our Metals:
duality collapses into a Liquid-Stone,
Oneness of a Wavicle, Observer honed.
Holding the empty SpAce of Logos.
Being the Observer's reflecting Nous.
Wielding the sWord of a golden Point.
Feeling the Wave of enLovenment.
Sulfur's symbol docks with the Son,
Archetypal Christ of the Father's Crown;
a Grey Observer finally gets back Home,
in a divine Chariot, Universal Communion.
Rising from the human it devoured,
a winged Alien from a "burnt sacrifice;"
earthen libido sublimates to a crescendo...
Reptilian Spirit of Kundalini Explodes!
The Double-Slit en-trance is a paradox,
two into one "Word" tests our Metals:
duality collapses into a Liquid-Stone,
Oneness of a Wavicle, Observer honed.
Holding the empty SpAce of Logos.
Being the Observer's reflecting Nous.
Wielding the sWord of a golden Point.
Feeling the Wave of enLovenment.
Tria Prima: the three metalloid compounds of the higher Self.
- Sulfur, the individual Soul, docks into the Crown of
the Archetypal Christ, the one and only Over-Soul.
- Salt is the higher observing Mind or Empty-Mind.
- Mercury is the Spirit, the Quintessence of Alchemy;
the Moon gives birth to the higher Mind who rides
the Wave to the final destination of the golden Sun-God.
"Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body (higher Mind)" (Paracelsus).
~- Sulfur, the individual Soul, docks into the Crown of
the Archetypal Christ, the one and only Over-Soul.
- Salt is the higher observing Mind or Empty-Mind.
- Mercury is the Spirit, the Quintessence of Alchemy;
the Moon gives birth to the higher Mind who rides
the Wave to the final destination of the golden Sun-God.
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